Lyn Anderson : Writing

eclipse of me

eclipse of me

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

some passing thoughts on things past.


A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

a transient passage through my mind


A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

a little laugh
jewels you could not pawn

jewels you could not pawn

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

thank you
Expropriated history

Expropriated history

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

revisionist mystery
bones 10W

bones 10W

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

digging up bones
It's part of my personality, you said.

It's part of my personality, you said.

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

I can't be very fair or objective about this, I just can't
paper tigers and long dead dragons

paper tigers and long dead dragons

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

demons have a way of coming back
Crimson wings and crooked teeth

Crimson wings and crooked teeth

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

still stalking dragons
one thing

one thing

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

there are things about ourselves we would like to alter

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