Amen A : Writing

Madness is like a big hug

Madness is like a big hug

A Poem by Amen A

Isn't it funny


A Poem by Amen A

Well...the poem really is open for interpretation, so I dont want to ruin it by giving too much detail


A Poem by Amen A

Its just a few lines I came up with on a whim about pride and what it costs.
I write

I write

A Poem by Amen A

Its only a few lines but I would like to think we can all relate to it, by we I mean the writer's cafe community.
My Dilemma

My Dilemma

A Poem by Amen A

Its about an issue that I had a personal problem with in the past.
The Irony of Time

The Irony of Time

A Poem by Amen A

Its a poem that came to me one night out of nowhere, I hope you enjoy it
The Grey

The Grey

A Poem by Amen A

The Grey Its everywhere Up and down Left and right Except for what I see infront of me Its clear As black and white As day and night The strug..


A Poem by Amen A

They made it feel so wrong to be goodand now,Now there is no more good,Just conflict,Just anger,Just pain,Are they happy now?Now that hope is fadingNo..
God or no God

God or no God

A Poem by Amen A

God or no God,It's all a game,Only the invested play,Only the fools win,Only the rest lose,The happy mourn the pain that's yet to come,The wise suffer..