I can remember almost every
detail of the times we spent together.
It’s the thing I’m least proud of in my life.
Self Disaster.
It’s not early, and it’s not late.
Just like when you speak to me, I’m there, but not really.I'vehad a few days off, and I had ..
Chivalry is lost in translation.
Beneath wasted
breaths on cigarettes,
And sloppy screams
of youth.
It’s beneath the
hand of your father..
I keep forgetting that with time
comes distance,
And an aging heart
only begs for things that are new, instead of repairing the old.
And when the ..
The tides have
began chewing at me again,
and the rawness of my feet continue
to blister, closing in on a bleeding end.
It’s humid here. A..
It's the first thing I think of in the morning,
right after my coffee and morning piss.
wouldn't know, that would you?
badly my he..
The raging
force has seemed to return.
shaped by fingers and false words.
I’m running at a stand still, and yet
every face I see has me want..
These voices pluck into the strings of my rib cage screaming it’s songofdissatisfaction.Sensitive to the hands, it takes time getting used to th..
I tried to forget.Your slimy hands and twisted smirk.I tried to forget the first time I went to church for church.I tried to be happy when I had sex f..
It starts with a similar tone,Back against the frame,I can’t recall the last time I felt alive.Only the last time I felt withdrawn.I remember al..