andrew mitchell : Writing

The mixture of thoughts was no elixir just a tonic

The mixture of thoughts was no elixir just a tonic

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The stakes were high on the vampire’s calling declaring darkness was the portal entry to death. It wasn’t all cracked up to be whe..
A teenage lament

A teenage lament

A Poem by andrew mitchell

That awkward moment when you realise that only you can find your own self esteem for its not given: I’m still looking for mine, but no..
A galaxy of thoughts within

A galaxy of thoughts within

A Poem by andrew mitchell

If I had the time the length of the Milky Way would take one hundred thousand years to reach the other side in light years that is. Which brings ..
The philosopher’s headrest

The philosopher’s headrest

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The intellectual diet consists of drowning in information while starving for wisdom.
Yesterday called it science fiction.

Yesterday called it science fiction.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Shorter days accompanied by years flying by are directly proportional to the acceleration of technology compared to long days and slower yea..
Hold it right there

Hold it right there

A Poem by andrew mitchell

He who holds the hands of time will be footloose in the moment, watch him dance now.
When the wheels of motion are out of alignment

When the wheels of motion are out of alignment

A Poem by andrew mitchell

In the context of thingsYes, things!Things that comewith consequences.I’ve been deadfor billions and billions of yearsonly to emerge,my atoms al..
Just a drifter

Just a drifter

A Poem by andrew mitchell

I am but a thought a cat let out of a bag a river that cannot flow back cast a drift I come and I go for I am but a thought.
Case dismissed

Case dismissed

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Finger printed moments the usual suspects, thoughts in the line up nothing to go on no matches the idea hangs in the balance. Calling in the ..
Infinitely so

Infinitely so

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Minuscule sounds travels from four stanzas becoming the voice for a big country of infinite wisdom in search of a title.