She's all mine!I wish she didn't speak with forked tongueI heard her cobra hissI felt the scales on her slick back riseShe looked cold.She knew, I kne..
The slums of my mind.Segregated writes unfinishedlie in the ghettos discarded;the slums of my mind,hanging from windowsbrightly coloured, driedof oppo..
The pile up.an analogy of cars,small,large, slick, comfypile up on the freewaytraffic jammed, delaysso are my thoughts.
The circle encircled.Shadows marchon winter's breath,together in darkness,the blackness of eternal nightencompasses a smalltaper of light, melting.Wai..
playing with words.
The hounds from work wait.One could not face the day;the twists, the frowns, the angerplaced upon thee.I pulled up the coversheltering my thoughts,the..
Discarded was TDropping letter t,change brought life, a new word can,she has everything now.
Conditions.There are conditionsin small print to view;you are free to choose,but you are not freefrom the consequencesof your choice.Pick your bedthen..
Shhhh! Its a secret!One had to be discreeton the discrete;a pair of homophonessounding similarbut having different meanings.After all,not many knew th..
fictional ramblings