andrew mitchell : Writing

Just a hug!

Just a hug!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Just a hug!As the heart of the sunriseencompassses you,a hug was born.You's lovewarm.A gift fromMother nature.
A crime of passion with intent.

A crime of passion with intent.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

A crime of passion with intent.The mysterybehind the suspensegrew in stature.The attractionhaving undressedknew this.A crime of passionwith intent to ..
The hollow man

The hollow man

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The hollow man.In the disguiseof being friendly.He was really spiteful.The attempt to be nicewas "see through."A hollow mancarrying afalse face.
The only time is now!

The only time is now!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The only time is now!Timelimits our possibilitieshaving no boundarieslocks us in:a game for life.Your time starts now!
Autumn was upon me

Autumn was upon me

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Autumn was upon me.I don't know whyI just didn't nicknameher Autumn.For every time I saw hershe wore the prettiest dressto impress.How the dressjust s..
Today's parties!

Today's parties!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Today's parties.As the partygot goingthe dance musicwas turned down.The mood liftedwhen everyonetook out their phones and stared.At the endall said th..
The commoners.

The commoners.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The commoners.T'was extremely hardto find a stand outin the crowd.Everyone behavedthe same;in manners and looks.No one took the leaduntil.......the sh..
Tossed with dressings.

Tossed with dressings.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Tossed with dressings.Memories tossedswirling, spiralingthrough the hurricane of timeonly to the land of the forgotten,somewhere in the f..
Like you said.

Like you said.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Like you said.From the excursion of your mind,leaving,I then...... travelled your bodyin love.Just like you said.I could not get enough.In response I ..
No control.

No control.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

No control.When control becameout of control,stepping aside, pushed.Chaos in laughterstood up andtook over,losing control.