The setup needed coaxing.The twirling of hairsignalled her desire wanting.The short skirt on long legscriss crossing, seated; a distraction " Loo..
Aloof.Time slipped byfrom the present daydreaming, aloof.But one could see the foreseeable future looming, scary.
When a glance froze time.Swirling ice,a swig, scotch,drowning time.Party, motion,laughter, noise,music..... loud.Across the roomhe sees HERmingling, c..
As if time blinked.As quickly asthe spell of lovefell from the skyblinding him in the smokeseemingly so,he saw love disappearin the shadowsonce more.A..
The paper cut.The paper cut ran deepthrough the heart;sharp, slow, stingingoverwhelming so,not from the paper itself.But the text,the chosen wordsthe ..
When sense was common. The 1950'sWhen fish didn't have fingers a pizza (pisa) was somethingto do with a tower leaning. andwater came out ..
In the love arena.The rules of engagement were simple.Take control.Conquer.She surrendering,you in turn becameher prisoner....in love.The ruler always..
I take my hat off to Dave Allen A clever Irish comic who brought issues to light from the Catholic church, personified.
Taking that first step courting.I thought I was luckywhen I got to first base.But when I got to second.I knew....I was on my way........reaching third..
Self doubt.There was an airof hesitancyfrom you,the sun hidingbehind the cloudswhen I said" I love you."