andrew mitchell : Writing

The Stowaway.

The Stowaway.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The Stowaway.I've always considered myselfto be of sound mind;thoughts arranged in an orderly fashionuntil I had a short circuitthen thoughts went cra..
An interesting take!

An interesting take!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Sharing a comment not mine unfortunately! cos I like it!!!
The therapist appointment.

The therapist appointment.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

playing. fiction.


A Poem by andrew mitchell

Ignorance!They sayignorance is bliss,maybe........but hell,if you find out anyway,followed by" I told you so!"
Lets Face It!

Lets Face It!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Lets Face it!Lets Face it!Its only a book;photographs. maybe,a comment or two.He's me washing my teeth!Oh! that's me. The first at the party!And wai..
I didn't order this!

I didn't order this!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

When politicians delivery doesn't match the delivery as promised.
When experience was less than expected.

When experience was less than expected.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

When experience was less than expected.That quantum leapwhen time plays her hand.The jump of a childplaying in the playgrounddisappears in the fogemer..
Structure secured, not!

Structure secured, not!

A Poem by andrew mitchell

A fictional display, just rambling on...
The Link.

The Link.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The link.One could not runfrom his memorieswhen the heart was in tow.
Behind the sounds of silence.

Behind the sounds of silence.

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Behind the sounds of silence.When man was silenthe was thinking.When woman was quietthe mood was dangerous unnerving, unswayed the air s..