Time and tides.Time and tideswashes awaymemories collectedfiltered through sandsrolling back and forthwith each wave,a pebble of thoughtpondering, ref..
Her story!When her back page empty lead to her front, the introduction re read. I knew she hadn't lived.Her story was too short.
Driving Miss Loving. Caressing her love, embraced in return, I, the chauffeur of love, happy to oblige. She, always enjoyed ..
A broken heart. Love For Sale. In need of repair. A renovator's dream. only ..
Matters of the heart.The heart trampled underfoot, emotions sky highrocketed towards the stars exploding........ in an aerial display, firew..
You can't borrow more time!Having had plastic surgeryto regain her youthshe was bending time,not extending.
The magnificent Seven returns!It was all happeningwhen the Magnificent Sevenclambered into town.This time,no saving the town,no bank job,but the baker..
The language barrier. Understood every word through actions, ..
When size doesn't matter.....You can beas big as an oxand full of punchesbut all it takesis a little germfor the final knockout.Rest in peace Ali.
playing with words for my muse