a parent's view on siblings!
Was there a point?Was there a pointin being sharpexplainingmy answer,I was bluntin my decision.
The Stutter.Was not the stuttera pause to reflect,an indecisionon what might evolve,and become,what may transcendto take back,momentarilynot sure,choo..
I was being followed.Moving shadows darkencircled my thoughtsall earth bound chasing,the shrieking eagleechoed on blue skies, farcasting no doubtI'm b..
Invisible!They said the writings were on the wallbut I couldn't find it,must have been writtenin lemon juice orinvisible ink.After turning the placeup..
Potential Murder Suspect. (PMS)When you know....that period of time has arrivedand you become a hormone hostage;where man gets closer to the endof his..
When surfing seemed free!There was a timewhen surfing was free,just ask the Beach Boys,But like all young timesthey come to an endassuming ironing boa..
The wheels of knowledge in motion.As the wheels of knowledgeand education took meon a driveturning, I foundmy empty mindbecame an open mind.
Sharing some funnies I've kept for over ten years.Not my own writes but edited by me lol.
sharing some funnies