abstract, surreal thoughts on life as a dinner setting somewhat structured, organised, ready for....life
Don't pick the fruit! Could be an ancestor!As the family tree grewin new replacements, old growth died knowing life, sadly....... had gone ..
The War Museum.Citations flowon silent whispersechoing downmemory halls.
Come out, come out wherever you are!In an inner worldof infinite possibilities,I smile knowing...there is a thoughtout there that hasn'tbeen thought y..
Sign language anyone?Funny! You could always read minds at the nudist camp!Sign language!
Night travel.As my thoughts travel expressalong the night's terrain,no longer at the speed of sound;just comets in the nightpassing through my astral ..
Reading minds.Only when her pupils were dilatedcould I dive inreading her thoughts.In love, naked she knewexactly where I stoodin mind over matters.Ye..
It did happen!!!!
New age creeps.New age creepson those waitingin the shadows hiding;fearing modern,darkness lurks.
The defense was refrain.The disdain grewcontained in a bubble'til it burst,showering the peopleof those believing;now resting on the cloudsof contempt..