Life's Pop-ups!Last year I was different,in fact, everything was different.Looking back I realise a yearcan do a lot to a person,no matter how short a..
Superman anyone!In today's worldof technology;tomorrow's livingis fast paced.We have to befaster than....a speeding bullet,stronger than..a locomotive..
My muse, my song.I was no closerto being a poet,than I was beinga bricklayer,but I could playwith wordsas I didwith lego.
In a twinkle of a moment.There was always going to be.... Twinkle eyes from watching..... Twinkle stars. That's how dreams were m..
Time ticks on tock unforgiving.In an emporium of young eyes watching, no eye contact was made.He had crossed over to old age. With the..
The queue was bigger at the end of the line.I was no furtherfrom the truthas I was to birth,but I was getting closerto death with every breath.I'm luc..
There's a shine on you and me.Your approach,upon me,a rainbowturned a frownupside downsmilingand the shadow was gone.
Now!! Which one do you want? That one please!When she said." I've got thirteen different personalities."I said." Yeah! Right!So I married one,HappyBut..
Rules of life's engagements: you get what you paid for.No longer mainstream,only wealth attractedyoung beauty pageants,anything else, justan optical i..
Leaving my prism blue.
On riding my colours,bright;
She left me coloured blind
on the dark side
of her moods.