A simple cell eh!
If man was not the virus,
he was part of the disease,
a far cry when one thinks,
from birth came beauty.
Permission to use your playground
was granted
on the basis of love,
well that was the intention,
otherwise play was
wild and reckless.
playing with sounds and spelling and the general silliness of it all
The problem of having a fence,
there is always two points
of view.
How green is your cactus?
Just for fun.
Her condiments!I peppered your thoughts,you took mewith a pinch of salt,your response...rather sweet, but sour.Then, I feltyour heat in the oven,somew..
Hey! That's not fair!He who hath no fury,will be runneth overby the who that has.It's just Mother's rules;the strong over the meek,the carnivorous ove..
I was a rock once.
I was a rock once,
but they kept
chipping away
until I became
like the rest;
now you can take me
as I am with
a grain of ..
Win some, lose some.
In the school
of hard knocks,
lying down,
the stars flickered
on black canvas.
I can't hear you, there's no sign language!They said..." It's not over 'til the fat lady sings!"But what about,if you're deaf!