andrew mitchell : Writing

A face without a trace

A face without a trace

A Poem by andrew mitchell

He didn’t know who he was when his mask fell off. But Dr. Jekyll and Dorian knew in the face off.
No tunes to speak of

No tunes to speak of

A Poem by andrew mitchell

He should have plucked strings for a living had he been given a guitar instead he chased girls in g strings. And now all he has is a poor..
As tears go by

As tears go by

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Over the shoulder a moment’s memory condensed fragments as love clings to a tear.
A few blemishes

A few blemishes

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Deep is the verse that swims in the shallows brevity spread. An eye for detail squints in the glare as reality looks on examining you. At t..
When the medieval umbilicus stretched

When the medieval umbilicus stretched

A Poem by andrew mitchell

In the annals of medieval mirth and jollity the billowing laughter generated from mirth was directly related to the expansive size of the gir..
Shoe shuffle

Shoe shuffle

A Poem by andrew mitchell

All shoe shuffles come with a trip followed by a miss step.
The meaning of a word now deceased

The meaning of a word now deceased

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Special thanks to the word that linked the sentence that made the verse that created the notion a poem was born. Amen. May the the critics h..
Mortal relativity

Mortal relativity

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Death becometh when life is taketh away.
Hurkle-Durkle anyone?

Hurkle-Durkle anyone?

A Poem by andrew mitchell

Will I survive Doctor?Aye, yes laddie you will,I promiseon my mother’s haggis.You are sufferingfrom Hurkle-Durkle -a two hundred yearold Scotti..
The attack of the coddiwomples

The attack of the coddiwomples

A Poem by andrew mitchell

The whole purpose for being on Earth was to experience the Coddiwomple. To travel purposely toward to an as yet unknown destination.