Alyssa : Writing

Weeds and Flowers

Weeds and Flowers

A Poem by Alyssa

I lay here on the sheets of my bed, Thinking of who my true freinds are... Who is real, loyal, who would be there for me. Who isn't selfish, ..
Dear Life

Dear Life

A Poem by Alyssa

Dear Life, Thanks a lot. Thanks for annoying little brothers, For rude people, drama, and bad breath breathing in your face. For icy..


A Book by Alyssa

We're Back

We're Back

A Chapter by Alyssa

Chapter 1: We're Back "Desiree.” The husky voice was so soft, it sounded like chimes in a m..
Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs

A Chapter by Alyssa

Chapter 2: Three Little Pigs Once we reached home, we prepared for our mountain hike. I got changed into m..


A Chapter by Alyssa

Chapter 3:Cody It was coming after me again. He was slyly approaching; I could feel him com..
Cheshire Cat

Cheshire Cat

A Chapter by Alyssa

Chapter 4: Cheshire Cat It was almost dark when I stepped up onto the ..
Blur at the Bridge

Blur at the Bridge

A Chapter by Alyssa

Chapter 5: Blur at the Bridge Cody had pulled in to this small 50’s diner called “Joe..
Perfectly, perfectly, prefect, perfect, perfect.

Perfectly, perfectly, prefect, perfect, perfect.

A Chapter by Alyssa

Chapter 6: Perfectly, perfectly, perfect, perfect, perfect. ..