I feel like running away
Would any of you even notice or care?
My words mean nothing, my emotions
No respect or concern comes my..
A night together, happy,
Finally. Then...
You, falling asleep.
On the couch, a movie playing,
That you said you love.
Out to smoke a cigar,..
A haiku written for a contest...
His scent lingers, it’s comforting,
But soon a memory.
His voice rings loudly, it’s echoing,
But only in my head.
His touch I feel..
It’s not fair, you break the rules,
I’m always here waiting for you,
Always true to only you
You say you are too but
Am I being ..
A poem I wrote for Valentines Day
Pain deep down inside
A burning, internal combustion
Heart pounding fiercely in my chest
Can’t control my breath
Confusion, anger ,tur..
The wind is fierce today.
The autumn air bites you,
The brutal wind cuts through you,
Like a serrated dagger.
A whirlwind of crispy leaves,
I lay here in the dark, the flashing light
And faint sound of the TV in the background.
Also, the muffled sound of you, awake.
So tired, yet I c..
You poisoned me
My thoughts are tainted with the lies
My mind wanders with terrible ideas
Though you are being true
I think, I hope, I don&r..