Danielle Allison : Writing

Long road

Long road

A Poem by Danielle Allison

I'm walking down this long road. Finding myself lost, dont have a clue where to go. A long journey is what I see in my future. The signs that could..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

Love can be like a ball, it can easily shatter through it all. Time can be wasted in a blink of an eye, surrounded in your own lies. Life has a purp..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

Eternity is forever. You always live, but never die. I wonder what the risk is to entering life for eternity. Is there a higher price to pay for being..
Time flys

Time flys

A Poem by Danielle Allison

The sun is beautiful, the clouds are not. The trees blow while I am hot. The water flows, the dreams grow, but more and more time flows. The bird..
This is for my baby...my boyfriend.

This is for my baby...my boyfriend.

A Poem by Danielle Allison

I love you so much. You see more than anyone could. You have opened me up into being myself. I can't hide when I'm with you. I can't run away when..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

Swimming far away from hope. Running from the things we know. The past that has no way of going back. Finding a way for destiny to make it's path. ..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

The shadows in time are not what they seem The past is around us, never leaving the scene. The shadows around us hover as time flys, filled with sec..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

Everytime I see you, my heart beats a little faster. Everytime you touch me, my heart beats a little faster. Everytime you are with me, my smile i..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

Choclate brown eyes look at me. They can see what i try to keep hidden. They can tell what my emotions are. Full beautiful lips press theirs agains..


A Poem by Danielle Allison

The past tells a story. The time tells a story. The present shows a story. The love develops a story.