Over and
over again
The same
The same
The same
search for
The same
proof for
The same
I“Why do you think of your loss, instead of thinking of his gain? Can you be sorrowful when he is so joyful and happy? If you truly loved him, w..
The faithful need no proof. Neither do the faithless.
Love, like hunger and thirst, is almost impossible to stamp out.
“I am out with lanterns, looking for myself.” ― Emily Dickinson
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Oh, the games of deception
Predators play, she and he,
Creatures of the deep in
Dark, cold, murky waters!
Fancy a game of teeter-totters?
I find your aura about me in
Residues of last night’s dreams.
Traces of your smell linger like
That of spring flowers’
When, at The Met, we turned a corner
And her eyes lit up with excitement,
And she breathed a little faster
Seeing a large canvas of timeles..
She, too, was once young:
A hopeful, green bud
On a supple branch of
The mighty tree of life.
The change of seasons,
And myriad inscr..