You say it’s art. More like a dartThrough desensitized skinWhere no one winsAnd some convincingTo stop my wincingAt the profanity you label &ldq..
You dark blazon crimson sun!How dare you take my bacon!SHUN.Red and crispy, trimmed in fat…Drat.
Um.Excuse you.Bugs are animals too.It’s not a plant. It’s not a fungus.And no. Not “ew”.Majesty.Intricate partsSo littleSo sma..
Billowing smoke so black and grayWhat is this charcoal I smell today?Death escaping from the white hot beastits red hot belly burning my toastdarn it.
Justify your black bowtieand your skin thin blondewith cherry lips and corn straw hair.Think you’re a big shotyou grounded rocket man?Shooting f..
He was trapped at the bottom of an hourglass, the sands falling down on him. He was going to die in here! He looked around desperately for a way out, ..
August 28th, 2015The ball soared through the sky, the rubber red standing out against the brilliant blue. To the children, it looked like it must have..
March 12th, 1926 “But-you-I-that-what’s going on?!?!” Rick exclaimed in a panic, his head going about every which way, taking in his..
August 29th, 2015Cadi could not believe it. Time had stopped. How was she supposed to get it unstopped?! At this thought, the eight year old really st..
August 30th, 2015“Juno!! Juno Juno!!” Cadi exclaimed, rushing up next to her friend on her bike. Her friend waved as she skidded to a stop..