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I am a homewrecker. I don't care about what any of you say. You can say, "oh you aren't Alice" all you want. Way deep down, you know it's true. You know I am a homewrecker. I mean, come on, don't even pretend like you haven't heard the rumors. I'm not even talking about the whole Conner situation. I'm talking about ALL of the rumors. And all of you have hated me at least once or twice. And all of you way deep down, know I'm a homewrecker. Whats the purpose of life anymore, if no one cares about you? Or if people care about you too much? Or if you're just depressed and want to die. Basically, I've fucked up way too much on this site and in real life to feel good about myself anymore. So, bye. Hope your happy.
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