Alexis Caitlin King : Writing

Bam, it's all over.

Bam, it's all over.

A Story by Alexis Caitlin King

Just a little something-or-other. Take it as you will.
Dead for Years

Dead for Years

A Poem by Alexis Caitlin King

Something welled up inside me today. It's coming on quick. Pick the flesh from the bones. Beware the poison.
Untitled 1

Untitled 1

A Poem by Alexis Caitlin King

Tear her apart, please.


A Poem by Alexis Caitlin King

It's been a while since I've written anything. Well, deconstruct, please.


A Story by Alexis Caitlin King

It was on the shores of the sweet Louisiana bayou that I met Arabelle. It was a thick night, the heat and moisture was seeping in my cells when sh..
Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall

A Story by Alexis Caitlin King

The moon came out from behind the mountains, rising above the earth like a glowing pumpkin. Big and plump, it rose up and cast the ground with an ..


A Poem by Alexis Caitlin King

nothing’s important nowadays the young girl said to me just purposeless sacks it’s what we’re meant to be i’m important ..


A Poem by Alexis Caitlin King

I was once loved by a bird" He held me in his beak Broad wings spread I once loved a bird" Eyes raptorial guides Feathers of lead..


A Story by Alexis Caitlin King

This is just an excerpt of a longer version in the works.
The Most Sane Insane

The Most Sane Insane

A Story by Alexis Caitlin King

When I woke up this morning, a thin white blanket of powdery snow was draped over our world. I say 'our world' because there are more people than ..

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