Lexi Villanueva : Writing

Devil's Food Cake

Devil's Food Cake

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

This is about follow who's voice.


A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

This poem is about being healed by God.


A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

This is about how we have to choose bewteen the bad and the good.


A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

About how God is always their for you.
I Meant You No Harm

I Meant You No Harm

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

Their alway's the one's we love.
Be Myself Again

Be Myself Again

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

We have better times.
Made Of Stone

Made Of Stone

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

We have feelings.
Swept Away

Swept Away

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

A fairy tale ending.
Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fariest of them all.
Walk Away

Walk Away

A Poem by Lexi Villanueva

You'll never be forgiven.