Razaman : Writing

The Bridge

The Bridge

A Poem by Razaman

blind faith of new starts
Bubble world

Bubble world

A Poem by Razaman

Without and within


A Poem by Razaman

Birthday poem for my wife on the year both her parents died
The Fire

The Fire

A Poem by Razaman

how does a clearing get that way


A Poem by Razaman

what's a little hopelessness between friends
The Storm

The Storm

A Poem by Razaman

too dumb to know I missed my chance
Window seat

Window seat

A Poem by Razaman

thoughts random and plane
The River

The River

A Poem by Razaman

hurts like birth
New Year

New Year

A Poem by Razaman

when loss is gain
The Shore

The Shore

A Poem by Razaman

I always wish I were the waves but I'm probably just the sand