albee : Writing

A Poem by albee

Orange is the sweet icing of lifeWhere whey, sweat, blood and nervesExplode into golden novaBronzed fired with pastel blues, a rising childFrom orbs a..
riding storms

riding storms

A Poem by albee

We rode storms, under stars In mountain meadows bubble wrapped On top self bunk bed quaking the room But it was the tropical palapa bed Riding a f..
something new

something new

A Poem by albee

Ive danced many an amusement hallwith their drinks and teasbut I've never danced a dance as thispulling with such sweaty easehidden points of my lifei..
let there be light

let there be light

A Poem by albee

In the beginning there was Logos…the let there be light big bang…mysterious energy and substance…ever expanding through the Infin..
to be Brief

to be Brief

A Poem by albee

…to expostulate What majesty should be, what duty is, what day is day, night night, and time is time; therefore, since brevity is the soul..


A Poem by albee

musings while watching a smokey red harvest moon
the dance

the dance

A Poem by albee

defining my heart, one

defining my heart, one

A Poem by albee

what is itwhat is this that I am compelled to alway visitwhat is this that I desire?pushing pulsing turbulentcrashing flushingshuttering to all my tip..
God is...

God is...

A Poem by albee

my theology
in defining my heart

in defining my heart

A Poem by albee

a work in progress