In time, they will release the videocontaining my last words.I will smile, but you will not seethe joy and mirth radiating from my faceas I know the h..
This is the unhappy epilogue to another poem I wrote called "The Wedding."
In modern-day Russia, a rebel fighter gives an honest answer to a difficult question.
I don't mind it, really,even when he comes home late.He's not doing anything wrong.I trust that man with my life.He has a job, but it's hard for him;h..
Bullets cr-cr-cr-crack over our sandbagsat 03:00again.We all slept with our gear on,like every night,and I'm the first one awakeon my boots.I'll take ..
What is it that you see,staring at the ceiling like you areAnd why do you ignore the sound ofme breathingBecause I am here beside youI am aliveDoes th..
He knew this day would come, and so did she.
The odd yet sentimental story of a glitter-winged faerie and an ex-convict pirate.
Set in the present and in the real world, this character lives in a nightmare's paradise. He has an adoring wife but what he does disturbs her sensiti..
All is fair in love, war, and depression.