Ailee Way : Writing

Autumn Naps about Dying

Autumn Naps about Dying

A Poem by Ailee Way

I woke with the words in my mouth No god, no meaning, no nothing I wasn't dying; I was death A leaf that can barely remember once moving throu..
For Kat

For Kat

A Poem by Ailee Way

In memory of your father. I love you.
Of Rabbits and

Of Rabbits and

A Poem by Ailee Way

Of Rabbits and I never was afraid of the woods, but those eyes that always watch from the woods I keep going, but faster, but faster I walk so..
You wanted to know about my day

You wanted to know about my day

A Poem by Ailee Way

It wasn't even significant-- nothing is when it happens alone. Even art would die if it had nobody to wrap its vines around and its roots would wi..


A Story by Ailee Way

I'm finally going to start uploading my writing again. I'm re-inspired. I miss you guys. After the crash, I just felt really bummed and decided to jus..