Their history before Ellis, now lost in the mists of time,
Words came through the generations.
Some I know, some I’ve been told, some I prospe..
For my husband and his family.
Strength in our matrix,
We survive oppression and loss.
Resilience in our marrow,
Our tears nourish the earth.
Courage in our minds,
We solve, we..
Afraid she would get lost,
Or wouldn’t get back home,
She never closed doors,
Any doors.
She needed the light,
But hid in dark,
Hiding the..
She lifted her head,
Though not the first, nor the last,
Her light still burned bright.
Snapping turtles snap,
Because they must. We should just,
Let them go to it.
Sci-Fi Senryus...reworked for Chris and Andrew!
I join the scraps together,
Every day,
Every way.
I join the bits of nothing,
Gold and glass,
Buds and grass.
Until they hold yet gently,
I want to feel earth
And warm grass beneath my feet.
I want to breathe deep,
Of pure air warmed by the sun.
I want to behold,
Rivulets of mountai..
Run down to the sea with me,
Where white sand, crushed, still gleams,
And waves purify,
Where foam kisses our feet,
And humbles us.
Dance with me..