<3 : Writing



A Poem by <3

I can't believe you've sunk so low add some helium to help you float no it won't, no it won't because love is a battlefield and you areMIA Love is..
llllike totally!

llllike totally!

A Poem by <3

This is all conspiracy lined sweetly with hipocracy I can't be the only one who can see this Make believe opportunity False hope and unity elop..


A Poem by <3

I hate the way my footsteps echo through this hollow town People grow up, get old, and then they fall back into the ground They still don't see that..
battle scars

battle scars

A Poem by <3

War is just an over statement of understated facts Pushed forward with force which a peace rally lacks And the people turn to numbers while they fal..


A Poem by <3

I thought the wind would carry me home and the stars would be my guiding lights Even in those timeswhen I was alone Their glory would refill my nig..


A Poem by <3

Spider in the corner of the room How I would like to help you meet doom Yet somehow I seem to let you loom Mutuality shall ring clear As you kee..


A Poem by <3

If you have a conscience then confide in me If you really want this Well is this how it's supposed to be? like whenI dreamed and I still dream..


A Poem by <3

This universe surrounding me no bible verse herecy could forgive this aptitude for solitude knowing the truth of nothing at all and when city..
paths (I'll finish on some otheeeeeeer night maybe or day?)

paths (I\'ll finish on some otheeeeeeer night mayb..

A Poem by <3

they say avoid the beaten path what if it is so traveled because it is thebetter of the two? and why takea walk through hell when you can take your..
to know would destroy meaning

to know would destroy meaning

A Poem by <3

It was easy to believe when he proclaimed himself out loud But it is hard to agree when he is hiding in the clouds Yet to have these looming doubts ..