Michael Laird

Michael Laird


A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities. - Tolkien

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About Me

Michael Laird has been writing dark fantasy-adventures for years, honing his craft and delving into the depths of backstory for his "Agminate Man" series of books and short stories. He has joined Wattpad both to offer his works for review, and to offer his own constructive criticism to the works of others.

In his Agminate Man series, Michael Laird has fused his passions for religion, politics and philosophy with his love for fantasy, emotion, and nature into a series of ambitious stories rendering the desperate struggles of men and women to carve peace from chaos, both within their world and within their own troubled hearts.

Michael Laird lives in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern California with his beloved wife and two children.


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hey, thank you for the multiple reviews! I appreciate you taking the time to read what little of my story I've written, and thank you for the feedback :)