agalophonos : Writing

in service

in service

A Poem by agalophonos

I am the machinery of another's heartIt beats only because I make it soThuds in tune to turning cogs,the heart’s desire guides my ownAnd I do no..


A Poem by agalophonos

we are two ships that pass in the night,and our waves splash each other,warm and excited. to be moving forward at allis a luxury we have never had. I ..
sunday morning

sunday morning

A Poem by agalophonos

sunday morning is a conversationsaying nothing says the mostthe bright light of 11am is a spotlight, exposing us for doing nothingall day, just like w..
mountain man

mountain man

A Poem by agalophonos

i share a mountain with a manand i don’t know his name.nobody - just me, him, andtwo rocks that look the same.some time ago, we both beganto att..
guardian angel

guardian angel

A Poem by agalophonos

Lives are as insignificant as grains of rice.I do not know what it’s like to be hungry.I watch you eat, and in your silent company, I wonder wha..
borrowed time

borrowed time

A Poem by agalophonos

Time is currency between us.Nights make sure to last longer so that we can talk for that much more.From your apartment, I can hear the clamor of the c..


A Poem by agalophonos

The truth goes down like communion wine.If I keep walking these streets, they’ll lead me right back to your door.It’s bitter, and I can st..
the intensity

the intensity

A Poem by agalophonos

a disarray of traits to have and things to be represent me as a fire --i burn in all different ways.represent me as a fire --the higher the flame, the..
every existing thing is born without reason

every existing thing is born without reason

A Poem by agalophonos

the attempt of articulation of the abstract;feelings too unfocused to figure;emotions endlessly endeavoring for expressionin a world where the only th..