The beginning of a prequel to the novel I will one day write.
Everyone loves a circus, the magic, the fun, the face-eating clowns.
You will never know what I want to tell you . . .
You will never know how I feel about you . . .
You will never know what I think about you . . .
My first day dream that I have actually written down and posted for others to see. It takes place durring my second semester of my freshman year, and ..
I started up at him, and he smiled down at me. I couldn't believe it, it just didn't seem real. It probably wasn't, my dreams were oddly detailed, but..
It started two months ago, we had just gotten back from winter break. It was time for school once again, and I guess, deep down, I was looking forward..
The second chapter of A Day Dream. It involes a twist, as most my my day dreams do.
The third chapter in A Day Dream.
The fourth chapter in A Day Dream.
The fith chapter of A Day Dream.
The sixth chapter of A Day Dream.