The morning had come far sooner than he would have liked. He awoke blinded by a ray of light that swept over his eyes, his annoyance soon turned to b..
If only the villagers of Stump knew what really approached them, then maybe they would cease with their futile efforts to ready themselves. A cosy hu..
I shouldn’t take too much, thought Torek as he rummaged through the caravan the old trader had left behind, Just enough to see me through the n..
Dead, all of them Quick Finger was moving around the camp, the soil stained with blood. The company had left with 15 men, and now he was the only one ..
“And you’re sure this will work? What’appens if it doesn’t?” asked Levin, his eyes wide and white with fear. “We ..
Torek could see the village up ahead. He was suddenly overcome with a great sense of accomplishment. He thought that once he explained what had happe..
2 days had gone by. Quick Finger stumbled through the forest, clumsy with fear. The further away he got from the corpse littered camp the more fright..
He had struggled tirelessly all through the night, his ankles and wrists left raw and bloodied from the tight chains holding him to the ground. His he..
The Giant lumbered in front of him, he did not look back, he did not flee, and he did not speak. He thought Torek might be afraid of him, How could a ..
a short prelude to the forest, Branch Bridge, which Quick Finger and Torek are about to enter.