A Poem by Adam
He was never one for wordsInstead, living in his mindReminiscent of all he had doneLiving in his idea of a perfect worldOne without FearOne without Wa..
A Poem by Adam
He screams.He screams at the ones he once loved.He screams at the Sky.The Earth.The Sea. He screams from the pain causedby his inner demands;his inner..
A Poem by Adam
These beings flow in and out
of my mind and soul,
untrapped and uncaring for
all that is in this world.
Teasing me.
Taunting me.
Trivilaizing my..
A Poem by Adam
withoutthese walls
my will is broken
knowing not what will be
or whatis forgotten.
For once this Time
I now see all
That which feeleth not
A Poem by Adam
As now I lie down to sleep,
Thoughts drift aimlelessly through my Being.
Reccolections of Past Times unceasingly
Gnaw at the inner fibers of me,and..
A Poem by Adam
This was my first poem that actually rhymes, so tell me what you think! lol
A Poem by Adam
Both this and that
and to and fro,
yes to Me and
none to All.
This is why I write,
this is what I know:
That which Man hath,
he, too, shall f..
A Poem by Adam
I dance my do's,
I damn my dont's,
I sing of my worries,
Isilence my weaknesses.
All this, I do
For you, my Love.
My pen is my
A Poem by Adam
Sleep, my Sweet,
let no more the
day's toil burden
yourheart any longer,
Mayyour wings
cradle you whilst you
dream of kings
long since passed
A Poem by Adam
Within my heart lies
the Bird and the
Worm, the Flower
and the Bee,
all fighting for control
The constant
the pent up
the ..