Those people, the stage 4 conventional folk, who've never jumped into the psychedelic world, might feel confused as to why any one would want to exper..
Restrained by the stiff edges of our clothes
We, the uncaring audience, sit uncomfortably still.
Through the painted windows clouds pour
Into th..
Preach yarns of acceptance,
and mutual respect.
Claim no judging thoughts
tumble dry in our heads.
Yet see the ripples of flabby skin and fat
Bleach your teeth whiter than the sun,Burn the enamel until you stun!Hurry up and smile in others’ facesOnly after, of course, you get invisible..
Thanksgiving spirit is good for the soul :)
Just leave us aloneTo mindlessly wander the cold, dark ground.Don’t leave Your throneOf perfection, protectionFrom all the evil we emit.Don&rsqu..
My eyes open and
before I can see the clock on the nightstand,
or the still spinning ceiling,
I see the comforter tucked under his stubble kissed c..
Hello, my Dear,
We've come again to the place it all began.
Nothing changed and nothing stayed the same.
We're different people with familiar names..
An epic battle has begun.
Watching the fight is so much fun
When both sides are equally dumb.
Should I do this?
Should I do that?
The ultimate c..
age 14