Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Bamber AKA. AM-HAM

Bamber AKA. AM-HAM


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Eldorado, KS
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About Me

HI!!!! MY name is amber but all my friends call me Bamber or AM-HAM, I am officially 16 AKA. Driving age and I'm no longer a sophomore as of this coming friday[!!!], but a junior at a high school which you shall never know the name of!! I love exclamtion marks!!! they are fun and very enthusiastic... I love to read, write, and sing, when I get older I want to become a missionary with a degree in photojournalism and I'm in the training for some of it now - I'm an editor for "The Profile" at my school(yearbook staff) and we are a crazy bunch of people who LoVe food... Well I don't know much more to write, let's seeeeeeeee....OH I'm A VERY PROUD C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N, I will tell anyone that Jesus is their savior and that he loves them, nomatter how oppinionated they are(Stubborn people-sheesh-I'm the same way) :)SMILE AND BE HAPPY, JESUS LOVES YOU!!! I'm an only sister(hahaha you thought I was gonna say child!!) but I have 3 older brothers, Jonathan, Justin and Jonathan... I have 2 neices: Madison, and Emily; and 2 nephews: Austin & Matix. They are all 4 the most adorable little munchkins you will ever see. I would love to be your friend, just please be respectful or that might change(sorry-stubborness). Well that's about it! See ya!


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Posted 15 Years Ago

You know what I realized this weekend? People believe that George Washington existed, because there are things written by him and about him, there are paintings of him, there is "proof" that he existed. Why don't people believe that Jesus existed? Don't get me wrong I realized this for me not for everyone else...I'm not judging:). I just can't beleive that all this time I have never thought like this.