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About Me

Blogging is my thing. I think I'm too realistic and perhaps uncreative to make things up... but my view on my own life is rather amusing at times. I began blogging in 2005 and am archiving them here and plan to start it up again when I get that finished.

I am the mama to four beautiful, intelligent, giving, hysterical, loving, understanding, stubborn, compassionate, unique and opinionated children. My genes obviously dominate in every sense.

I have had to put my career and ambitions aside to care of my son who has Prader-Willi Syndrome. While I'm at it, I try to take care of the other kids, as well. Why not? I need intellectual stimulation on a regular basis or I get a strong compulsion to chuck a shoe through the window. The sound of breaking glass seems like it would be comforting... but I'm too cheap to replace a window so I don't know it as fact.

Also, I am an anti-theist who finds it very important to discourage people from brainwashing vulnerable human beings. It should be a crime.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

You are a divine manifestation of love dancing in the suns freedom. Embrace the mountains of your majesty and yours will be a gateway to enlightenment. You have the power to make a difference because you are the embodiment of divine love and wisdom. You are a source of inspiration caressed by the sun whos heart is filled with angels and butterflies of lovingkindness. You are a whisper on the wind. You are LOVE!

- Micheal Teal