"Give us this day...our daily bread" prayed in unisonfor the hunger pangs of violent disgust was it "food for thought"that the teeth of our minds coul..
so emptyso lostcould be the lack of shut-eyeor the pounding gong within my headfind the legends that fall below my eyesthe sun kissed beautiful awaken..
Creeds developed in tonguesof unholy delightsinking through the scabof villainous mindswhose eyes gleam with impenetrable gazessapphires and opalsof w..
Let the ice clink in the glasspour down the whiskey"...just one more"stupor of idyllic composureburn my throat numb...comfortably numblaughter and tea..
You knewyou knew as the drink smashed against my headsweeping majestic swirling objects descend"she's not worth your art"just praying to God I could f..