a_methyste : Writing

Egyptian mummy

Egyptian mummy

A Poem by a_methyste

I have fallen for an egyptian mummy these days I have all my b***h neurons activated for him But you know He is an egyptian mummy He is well craft..
The mosquito from hell

The mosquito from hell

A Poem by a_methyste

The mosquito from hell Is buzzing in my room Metalic With a metalic scratch I try to catch it but it is fast It has put me down
Here I am

Here I am

A Poem by a_methyste

Here I am touching the part the world inflicted on me Asking for it To do it As long I understand it is wrong It is not the way The urge to be se..


A Poem by a_methyste

A group of ants entangled together A group of fish entangled together A group of birds entangled together Humans entangled together In this audien..
This is a story of bird x

This is a story of bird x

A Poem by a_methyste

Bird x saw bird y It could have behaved like a tree does Treat it as wind That lightly moves the leaves But the bird x When he saw bird y Bent h..
I miss it

I miss it

A Poem by a_methyste

Yeah I got nothing to offer you You have already finished it You threw the sperm and left You just look at me now simply because I am at your sight..


A Poem by a_methyste

The more I observe Look deep Peek Into this human form The more I am sick And do not want to have to do with it.


A Poem by a_methyste

I randomly walk in the city Run into encounters I know and I don't And they randomly throw garbage on me.


A Poem by a_methyste

Someone spied on my verse And I froze


A Poem by a_methyste

Welcome to the world of unrealities Here everyone is right And nobody is righteous at all How will we co-live with ourselves? I was there once..