blue angel

blue angel


"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." Anais Nin

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About Me

Published author. Poetry mentor, and moderator. Poetry group leader of hundred ninety plus members. Writer of poetry, flash fiction, dark romance and erotic themes. Long time member of DarkPoetry, DeepUndergroud Poetry, AllPoetry, and Scribophile; a writers workshop. I encourage aspiring writers through constant interaction, honesty, moral ethics and create prompts and discussions to inspire your muse and elevate your passion for poetry. I also have my own website for the creation of 'High Art' Poetry. Specializing in ekphrasis and research to deepen your skill in crafting quality poetry. My presence here is defined by an individual that has taken lines and stanzas from my poetry without my consent. Along with numerous other poet's entire poems, most being from the same site; (DeepUnderGround Poetry). I have zero tolerance toward internet bullies and plagiarizers. Their tactics include reserving post dates to alter in stolen lines and stanzas, whole poems, and or post on same dates as the victims. Look at dates and note the edits/updates. The truth shall set you free. Any bright minded person can see what you are doing.

Respectfully - blue angel


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Posted 10 Years Ago

I'm open to any questions or concerns with my position and presence here. I look forward to reading and commenting on other writer's works.

Poetry/writing is an creative outlet used as a tool to evoke emotions and aspire deep thoughts, on factual, fictional and fantastical motifs. Our original written words is what set's us apart from other writers. Finding inspiration through other writers is a grand compliment. However, taking from them without consent is not a grand compliment, and can compromises our unique voices. Our writing circle may be large but it is connected, and we fully intend on supporting and protecting each other, and our works. Respect is earned, and not handed out carelessly. I suspect everyone here knows who the finger is pointed at. I am not bias toward any former or current members. I speak only for myself, and for those that do not have a voice (the unaware). Although, there is nothing new under the sun, only special influence slathered over it by our own stylized creativity.

Write to live, live to write - blue angel

“If you plagiarize others' techniques, you steal their emotions and tell your spectators a lie with your work. Works as such equal zero.”
― Wu Guan-Zhong