Marion Finnerty : Writing

Train Derailment

Train Derailment

A Story by Marion Finnerty

Follow us 3 as we head down the tracks to see how minor a train derailment can be.
Shopping and Working at Costco

Shopping and Working at Costco

A Story by Marion Finnerty

A look into my love and devotion to Costco.
A Series of Houses

A Series of Houses

A Story by Marion Finnerty

Traipse through the places that I have either grown up in or moved to.
Spike vs a Groundhog

Spike vs a Groundhog

A Story by Marion Finnerty

A story about a groundhog that crawled into the engine to get warm, with a gruesome ending.


A Story by Marion Finnerty

A story I heard long ago about the differences between Men's and Women's dances as they were taught generations ago.
Hallowe'en Type Story

Hallowe'en Type Story

A Story by Marion Finnerty

In the spirit of the Season. Not really connected to Hallowe'en, but this still gives me nightmares to this day.
Be True

Be True

A Poem by Marion Finnerty

A poem I wrote in high school that was published


A Poem by Marion Finnerty

Weaves itself delicately across Hardly discernible Barely perceptible Yet with the softest exhalation Wreaks destruction The soft tenuo..


A Poem by Marion Finnerty

Hands brushed against Tangibleclick of metal on metal Wedding bands Thin band of gold Wide engraved silver A smile A blush Callused hand whisp..
Burger Reminisence

Burger Reminisence

A Story by Marion Finnerty

An older story that I tuned up a bit.