Kyle Hamilton

Kyle Hamilton


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Listowel, Canada
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About Me

I usually prefer not to talk about myself so I'll keep this short. I'm a high school (soon to be university student) stuck in the middle of rural Canada. I live in the middle of nowhere without internet and only two channels on T.V. Suffice to say, life is pretty boring. Talked myself into taking a creative writing course at my high school and got a little hooked with writing. I have a friend who was already a member and she thought that seeing as there was nothing better for me to do than go "muddin" with the rednecks and hillbillies around here, why not write for a past time. I thought why not.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Kyle, wow. So I just logged onto this thing, totally forgetting about it. We should bring this back and blog/comment each other all day long ;)

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Posted 17 Years Ago
