A Poem by Zaid
Lazarus! Excuse my horrible lack of words,
My senses aren't tasting this senseless, ghastly woe.
I'm used to this; its the same smell of the same fo..
A Poem by Zaid
Lazarus! "You exist and you're a friend of mine."
So, please, bear with me my long, never ending talks.
Lazarus, I believe it was the proper time.
A Poem by Zaid
Lazarus! Let me weave you a tale, or an ode,
Once upon a time, my mind is quenched, thus I feel.
Once upon a feel, the fire grew far, thus I soak...
A Poem by Zaid
(Movement III)
Lazarus! When have I gazed those stars previously?
When have I walked this refreshing room? In which life?
I admire those windows, f..
A Poem by Zaid
(Movement II)
Lazarus! Let us be straight, let this be right through.
I am you, for I was once in a life time me.
But images are still not clear, a..
A Poem by Zaid
Lazarus! Divide into a cosmic timeline.
The picture is parallel, a sequence of frames.
Are you aware of the lane of change to sublime?
A picture on..
A Poem by Zaid
This poem is, also, inspired by a drawing, but of a different dear friend.
A Poem by Zaid
This poem is inspired by a drawing by a dear friend of mine. (Drawing is shown)
A Poem by Zaid
Long I've gazed into misleading lines.
None made sense, they were all parallel.
Lost within them, endless, randomized,
Roamed my divine being inevi..
A Poem by Zaid
This is the only poem I wrote in such topic. I don't like to write in such topics, yet i had to let these words out.
Though the one this poem was wri..