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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

So, you want to know about me. Well maybe I don't want you to know about me...did you ever think about that? Maybe I don't want you to know that I got my first job acting in musicals for two years when I was ten, and that acting allowed me to jump into characters more than I ever thought I could. Maybe I don't want to tell you that I have narrated so many games of make believe in my life that I almost feel like I was born to narrate. And, maybe I don't want to say that I allow my emotions and my extremely large imagination that caused me to have more imaginary friends than real friends during elementary school to show through in my writing. There, all of the things I may or may not want you to know...but since you know them, I might as well continue.

I have written many stories in my life, whether through games (I was a video game programmer for a few years), written words, or even my life (I have quite a few weird stories about that). Nevertheless, everything I have done, seen, and experienced has culminated itself into one massive passion: storytelling. Many people used to tell me that I was an amazing public speaker, which I firmly believe as well. However, it was not until I placed my words onto paper that I realized that my writing could be just as good as my speaking.

So here I am, in the same position everyone else is in one this website: experiencing my own passion of writing and storytelling and praying that I get comments and reviews so that the feedback can improve my novel and make me a better writer in general.

With that said, IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND, please read the first chapter of my novel (just the first chapter, it is only about 2500 words, so it will not take you that long) and leave a comment telling me what you thought and whether or not you will continue reading. The book preview I posted on here will be self-published in September (or at least that is what I have planned for it) and I want to know that what I am releasing is quality stuff.

If you like my book enough, feel free to send me a message telling me so. I am willing to give out free copies in exchange for quality feedback (as most writers would at this phase). So, even though I am an unknown writer, you now know a little more about me. I hope you enjoy my novel and I hope you leave plenty of feedback (please).


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Dear ZZBrent

Thanks for the friend request! Nice to meet you!

Sincerely JazzSoulKeke,

God bless