About Me...
Well, I was published in a couple of newspapers, due to my tendency of writing short stories as a child. After showing a sudden talent to writing, I dumped it, only to seek salvation in it years after. In less dramatic words, I have recovered my passion for writing. The writing style has, of course, changed, and it's now in English instead of Russian, so you can read my work. Warning: I make it Japan-styled. Oh yes I do. It's usually in times of civil war in the country, and from a girl's point of view. Overall, I believe they are quite enjoyable, particularly the less tragic parts of it. I am not the one for complete and total happy end, you see. Open to book suggestions. Message if you need your work checked. I appreciate constructive criticism on "A Thousand Autumns, One Night", named for a good Vocaloid song. Nationality: Korean Languages: Russian, English. Half-baked Japanese, Chinese Gender:girl Location: Philippines, Manila, Unicorn Battlefield City, Fullmetal Alchemist street. Likes: generally being loud, teasing, joking, thinking about random things, Math, Art, Science, Gymnastics Dislikes: anything lower than grade A, swearing, childish people, politics Music: Within Temptation, Evanescence, J-pop, occasional classics |