¥Miss.¥ §Me§

¥Miss.¥ §Me§


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I live in my heart <3 , KS
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About Me

My name is Patricia Diane Anderson (meaning Noble, Divine, Son of Andrew hee hee...) I was born August 1st of 1995 in Kansas city, Kansas and I am 16 years old. I am the first child of my mother and father, so unfortunately I am the oldest (ugh!). I have many brothers and sisters, but I only know five. I am a shy, easy-going person with a big addiction to books (yea, i know. Crazy.) I am the outcast of my family, and of my friends. I like to keep to myself and when I am feeling it I do enjoy to socialize.


To get into my own personality I will tell you why I love books, though I am sure many agree with me. They are my way to escape into another would away from the crappy one I have now. Books are my life (you will never see me without one) and one day I will have my own library and I wish to write one of my own (its a work in progress). Though I am in Health Careers I have always had a passion to write and one day I do hope I get well enough to write a story of my own.


In life I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter named Pheonix Dashanay Ly Anderson, who has been my inspiration and motivation for the last two years. She is now one and the one one thing in my life I am very proud of. As a teen mom I really don’t regret my decision and proud to be a young mother. Even though I know a lot of people would disapprove of my decision, it has really made me a better person. I am paying more attention to school and making goals for myself to make sure we have a good life.

I am a person who knows what I want, though I do have to pull strings every once in awhile I do get it eventually. I am not a terrible person, but I am not a very good person either. I like to think I am in between, I do care about others and rarely wish harm. My attitude is easily swayed, I can be very temperamental when pushed and I don’t stay mad for long. I do not do well with pressure, and I hate to be told what I have to do. My name is Patricia and that’s a little about me.

I love all my friends, I care to much and do my best to always be nice.
I love to be open and I hate lies.
I love music of all kinds :p my favorite right now is Rock N' Roll and Country lol. I love photography and old fashioned clothes and i mean 1800s ball-gowns...

And most of all I believe in TRUE LOVE <3

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Your welcome! Really it was my please reviewing that beautiful piece of poetry.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Sorry I sent you a read request, well I just made a new version of a clue and wanted someone to read it. That's all. Say Hi to your baby for me!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

My dance programme is over! It went great. The make up though was horrible. The kajal(kohl) smudged all over even before the dance. The blush was not even seen. Sorry, I complain too much..I told my mom the same thing and she told me that everything was fine and nothing showed badly from the audience. Well it's ten in the night but I'm dead tired...going to sleep. Bye!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hey! How was today? My day was fine..boring actually. Just went to school, wrote my arithmetic test, came back home, went for a dance rehearsal for my Bharatnatyam programme tomorrow and studied till half past eleven in the night. This is how every day has been since last Friday. Tomorrow I have algebra and geometry and mental maths for my test. I haven't kept my jewellery for tomorrow's programme. I haven't done a thing! I'm nervous and my tummy is hurting too! Stupid period....

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Posted 13 Years Ago

No problems...anytime is fine!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

So shall we be friends like best friends on this website? We can chat everyday about random things and stuff like that. You may be my first friend online!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Your welcome!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Read your profile and reviewed one poem called Mommy. Good read after a boring day of school and studying.

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Posted 13 Years Ago


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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks for the review =)