Jesus seeing that John was in charge of who would or would not be saved sent messengers to all the cities and called the Oojiog and the Jesusites out ..
There was nothing left of Gnort, the largest city in the western nation.An old man, the Wisest One in the Ages or Woita said to the people, children, ..
And I was in the beginning a fourth of God or Afog, God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus and the universe was empty but for space and there was no end to it..
Oh To Have a Son, or Othas the son of Adsiium the adulterer was larger than the other men. But Rugged One Like A Man of Men or Rolamom the son of Amom..
The third generation was sometimes many children for most and at least one for everyone but Sipau was a spinster because Othas stayed in the wildernes..
Now the Children of Hositma were eventually to come up with a highly impractical set of theories to base their awarenesses on. So Jesus took them back..
There was a few generations later a piac that moved to a cave far away from the other one named I Will Be Like a King or Iwblak and his wife named The..
Now since Hositma the Spirit of Spirits the Mother of the Fourth had her following among the Piac who looked to the Fourth more as a king and her more..