Yoshiyuki : Writing

Silent Maiden

Silent Maiden

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

You are more than a memory to me
The Hangedman

The Hangedman

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

But this is who I am. My heart has been through so much.These are the final words of the heart. My heart is dead. All that is left is to go through li..
Jester Princess

Jester Princess

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

I am a deceptive person at heartI can trick peopleI can pretend to be happyEven when I am hurting the most I can smileI smile when tears want to pour ..
Learn My ABC's

Learn My ABC's

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

A random poem.
The Long Windy Road

The Long Windy Road

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

Random poem I made while feeling lost.
Childs Fantasy

Childs Fantasy

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

I have sinned But I am not religious I just know I have caused great trouble To those around me I was blind to see I am childish I..
Wooden Princess

Wooden Princess

A Book by Yoshiyuki

A princess must save her kingdom. I am in the drafting phase. I wanted to share with you all just the plot of the story for now.
Chapter 0: Premonition or a Dream?

Chapter 0: Premonition or a Dream?

A Chapter by Yoshiyuki

Is it a dream or a premonition
Chapter 1:The Princess's Demise

Chapter 1:The Princess's Demise

A Chapter by Yoshiyuki

A little peak at my next short story "Wooden Princess"
Chapter 2:Betrayal

Chapter 2:Betrayal

A Chapter by Yoshiyuki

A draft of chapter 2.