H L Rose

H L Rose


Don't be a gooey chocolate chip cookie

Who knows , 🤷‍♀️
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I aspire to be all that he’s created me to be!

9 Rules on How Not to Be a Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookie

1.) Stick together. If you don’t you’ll fall apart...in a sticky, chocolatey mess.

2.) Know you are a cookie. Know you have a purpose.

3.) Give a damn. Don’t waste your goodness.

4.) Remember you are a vessel for the milk to strengthen a child’s bones.

5.) Never forget your fellow cookies and lend them a chip if they are lacking.

6.) Don't be a deceiver. If you have raisins, lay them on top for the world to see.

7.) If you’ve been slopped on a pan in a sloppy, thin layer, remember your baker who put you together and have confidence in your ingredients.

8.) Don’t forget to rise. The heat of the oven is there to make you grow and make you tougher. Don’t fear being burnt by the heat. Have faith in your baker who set the timer.

9.) Know you are not a perfect cookie. You are not a perfect circle and even if you are not gooey, you crumble for being too tough. But your baker has careful hands that can carry your pieces.

Instagram: h_l_rose


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Posted 5 Years Ago

School, and education haha. and extra-circular activities

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Aye. Been busy, how are you?

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Hey, Rose...
How have you been? How is everything?
Sorry I've been so busy this year.
I've got some free tine today and I'm gonna see how far your poems have come.



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Posted 5 Years Ago

Afraid of clocks? HAHA! omg! id love to read that!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

yeah hahah, ohhh weellll. Dont think too hard or your head might explode! time is a weird thinggg

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Posted 5 Years Ago

yeah apparently they do! hmm, i wonder why though; I'll research that :P

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Posted 5 Years Ago

ah the usual family dinner for Easter; buuuuut on the 28th im going to my friends for a Greek Orthodox Easter i think haha!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Hello! wishing you a great week! hope your Palm Sunday was awesome! I made a cross from my palm leaf (idk if they pass out palm leaves at your church or not) and hung it on my wall. Easter next Sunday! We use to do this thing where we could carry a huge cross up a huge hill and by the time we got to the top we all were sweaty and more understanding about the torture Jesus went through. :P then we would stand that cross up and go back down! Everyone from the road could see that cross, it was great!

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Posted 6 Years Ago

Sometimes I'm quite gooey. I suck at poetry. More like my Pooetry XD.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

You're a f*****g genius. I love and hate that.