Yanatha Desouvre

Yanatha Desouvre


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West Palm Beach, FL
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About Me

Yanatha grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Philadelphia and currently resides in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. He earned a Bachelor of Science from Drexel University in management information systems and marketing, and is working on an MBA in music business. Desouvre has more than a decade of experience in the field of information technology, including working for Apple Computer and the I.T. departments of the University of Pennsylvania, Palm Beach Atlantic University and Lynn University.

With these skills, he co-founded and manages ALL Or Nothing (A.O.N) Group, an organization that provides technical and entertainment consultation at no charge to those who need assistance. He founded the group because of his belief that there is endless potential in everyone, and everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their dreams and accomplish their goals in life. Walk Through This Journey is his first book, although other individual pieces of his work have already been published.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for the "Amazing" comment! :) Glad you liked the piece.

Hope you have a great day today!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

omg philly no way i'm from a lil north of there thats so kewl
