I run bear soiled, I set the flock apart
I touch the nerve of still waters to summon
The pale fallen leaves of autumn’s heart,
The flyi..
Thunderous is her rage; mother to my life and yours
The ancient spark lights up the dome with beams
brighter than Saqqara’s catacombs,
Lying after a restless day
Storms of reveries sway me from my clay,
Hours passed in endless trivial thoughts
Haunting ponderings in which I a..
Into the night, angels fall
Obscure is thehuman mind,
For in the night, I stand tall
Eyes wide shut for an inner voice to speak,
Echoes of..
God spoke his light unto us, commanding us to impart it for it doesn't belong to man. Yet the light quickly fades before it can ever be imparted. Wher..
Nightly questions swaying me from my clayA universe so vast that one must dismay,Lightening struck and a being was madeA being to be and become what i..
Lethargic I awoke from my bed of thorns
A mirage before me, night with light adorned,
The night sinks the light, yet the sun shall arose
To t..
He has been a vagabond for more than two
years, if there is anyone who knows the depths of the night, it is him. He is a
nocturnal being for what c..
turned concrete for the dirt to soften
the walls are high but the tide is infinite,
winter so long and the soul is lurking
It is long past midnight. He is situated on his sofa
watching TV with a lighted cigarette in his mouth. The room is empty, the
streets are devoid of..